Рождество 2017
Крещение ноябрь 2016
панорама ноябрь 2016
Пасха май 2016


кивот с мощами преподобного Сергия Радонежского


пасхальные свечи


строящаяся часовня в оимя святителя Тихона Задонского
фото храма март 2016
Рождество 2016

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

службу посетили двое тайцев

службу посетили двое тайцев

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

KOH CHANG — THAILAND — JAN 7, 2016: Christmas service and the vigil on Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built on island in Jan 2015.

воскресная школа

воскресная школа
фото храма ноябрь 2015
Наш храм. Весна 2015

С экскурсией из Алматы (Казахстан)
12 февраля 2015

11 февраля. Вечер


Окропиши мя иссопом и очищуся…

Малый вход

Великий вход


Ис полла эти деспота

Диаконская хиротония

Облачение диакона

Причащение детей

Обучение рукоположенного

Проповедь владыки Феофилакта


Общая фотография

Укладка асфальта


В процессе…

Посадка кустов

Оконо во двор


Всё в золоте

Царские врата изнутри

Ещё немного и здесь появится иконостас

Киот для иконы


Подсвечники ждут расстановки
Первая Божественная Литургия
(8 октября 2014)

На часах


Благословение иконой преподобного…

Преподобне отче наш Сергие, моли Бога о нас

Причащается младенец…

Архимандрит Олег даёт наставления

Подготовка к трапезе
Слава Богу за все!!! Мы с мужем отдыхали на этом прекрасном острове в 2011 году, но я даже и представить себе не могла, что в этой прекрасной стране с такими добрыми людьми, но со своими культурными традициями, далекими от православия, есть 7 !!! приходов Русской Православной Церкви ! Храни Вас, Господи !!! Слава Богу за все !!!
Слава Богу!!! Приезжайте отдыхать еще :)))
Долгие лета!!!!!Мы заехали Храм)) и поняли, какое это чистое, доброе и умиротворенное место) Очень хороший настоятель и его матушка))) Дай Бог им сил,терпения и любви))) довести начатое, до конца)))) спасибо вам большое))) приедем ещё )) обязательно!!
В октябре отдыхали на острове и посетили этот прекрасный храм. И это прекрасно! Что так далеко от дома можно помолиться и причаститься Святых Таинств! Дай Бог настоятелю Храма о.Роману и всем прихожанам божьей помощи. Всегда узнавайте в интернете о наших храмах и где бы вы не были приходите в храм!